Making 3D Shapes

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11 Responses to Making 3D Shapes

  1. Mr Tarte says:

    What a brilliant way to learn about 3D shapes -thanks Year 2.
    I love this idea… I might borrow it to make shape lessons in Year 4 much more interesting…
    Do you think we could try making square based pyramids and triangular prisms like this Year 4?

  2. William says:

    This is a really good idea year2!

  3. Charlotte says:

    I think year 4 should do that well done year 2

  4. Aarush says:

    Fantastic yr2. Year 4 will think making shapes of salt dough will be very interesting.

  5. Amreece says:

    yes we should do this, I agree charlotte.

  6. Miss Wilson says:

    Thank you Year 4 Let me know when you want some salt dough and I will make some for you

  7. Thomas says:

    cool year looksfun

  8. oscarb says:

    Well done everyone!

  9. Neil says:

    That’s so cool! How did you get the salt dough?

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